4 Sneaky Signs It’s Time To Break Up With Your Partner

sad woman on the beachIf you’ve ever had to end a relationship, you know that the oldies song has it right: breaking up is hard to do. Knowing when it’s time to break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend can be tough, especially if many things bind you together like a shared apartment or even great memories.

But, if the relationship has no future, you also don’t want to drag it out. It’s best to move on quickly so that you and your partner don’t waste valuable months and years pretending that everything is great when it’s not. Then, you look back with regret at the wasted time.

This article will look at four sneaky signs that it’s time to break up with your partner. If you’re noticing these, you might want to evaluate whether you’re actually happy in the relationship and if you see it going anywhere.

The Passion is Gone

All relationships start out extremely passionate, then fade to a degree, usually after two years. This is called the honeymoon phase and is normal. However, a romantic relationship still needs passion to be successful, whether it’s in the bedroom or a general passion for each other.

If you feel little excitement, the bedroom is dead, or you are basically just roommates or friends, then you have to ask yourself if it’s really a good relationship. Maybe the answer is yes, but most people want more than this out of a long term romantic relationship. They want passion.

If it’s gone and isn’t coming back, breaking up might be the only option.

You’ve Lost Yourself

Interdependence is an important part of a healthy relationship. But, sometimes this can turn into codependence where your identity becomes tied to your partner’s. This is where you neglect your own needs, concerns, and interests to focus totally on your partner’s. You become one with them in an unhealthy way.

But, you can also lose yourself even without becoming codependent. You get so into the daily routines that you lose what motivates you. This is definitely a subtle sign it’s time to break up because this usually happens slowly and you might only notice it upon reflection. Like after reading this article.

If you’ve given up your goals, hobbies, interests, friendships, and passions, it’s definitely time to get them back. And, if your partner resists this, breaking up might be your only option.

You Live Separate Lives

Having separate interests and hobbies can actually be very positive in a relationship, whether it’s husbands and wives or boyfriends and girlfriends. It’s healthy because it avoids drifting into codependence.

But, if you live what seems like a totally separate life from your partner, it can be detrimental, especially if you don’t spend meaningful time together, don’t have similar hobbies, and rarely see each other.

And, if your lives separate too much, you might want to simply make things official by breaking up with your partner or spouse…and actually by truly single.

You’re Lonely In the Relationship

When I talk to single people, the number one complaint I hear is that they’re lonely. While I’m an advocate of the advantages of being single, the major downside is that it can be lonely not having a boyfriend or girlfriend to spend time with regularly.

broken heart plateBut, I also hear a lot of people in relationships who mention being lonely. They have a partner, but still feel lonely. There can be many reasons for this feeling, but usually it’s because they rarely see their partners due to work or obligations, the passion is gone in the bedroom, or they aren’t emotionally supported.

Believe it or not, loneliness in a relationship or marriage is very common. If you’re lonely in the relationship, then why not just be single? Breaking up is the next logical step.

So, if you notice these signs, it might be time to reevaluate your relationship. It might be worth it to simply end the relationship and start over…to find happiness and the partner who will bring you more fulfillment.

About the Author

Jonathan Bennett

Jonathan Bennett

Jonathan Bennett is a writer, speaker, and dating/relationship expert. He's helped millions through his articles, speaking, consulting, and coaching. He's appeared in over 500 major publications, including Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, and Psychology Today.

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