I have a good friend who wants to find a great guy, settle down with him, and get married. But, while she meets guys who will gladly date her for

Each day at lunch, my friend stared at the handsome consultant who worked in the same building. He smiled at her a few times, so I suggested that she ask

A few weeks ago, a friend had a Facebook meltdown. He unfriended his wife, changed his profile photo to black, and announced he was “done.” His wife had gone out

Whenever friends break up, I always get a call. They are going through a lot of emotions, including love, hate, fear, and sadness. They want to talk to me, not

Emma Watson has recently been in the news for claiming that she is very happy living the single life and considers herself to be “self-partnered.” This resulted in a lot

Six months ago, a good friend started dating a guy who seemed incredible. Handsome and charming, he had a good job, a nice car, and made her laugh. She quickly

At university, I met a girl who had perfect grades, was physically beautiful, and active in charities and clubs. She came from a great family and clearly had a bright

A former coaching client of mine was attractive, fun, and flirty. She landed a great job in a large metro area and wanted to meet new people. She tried bars